A Hot Day In Omaha

After a successful morning of volleyball (our girls won their pool), we had the afternoon free. The absolutely stunning weather--clear blue skies, sunshine, and summery temperatures--allowed us to hit the trails at Elwood Park in short-sleeved shirts. The trail we took followed the eastern edge of the University of Nebraska Omaha campus. Certainly the highlight of our outing was seeing a Question Mark butterfly---I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever seen a butterfly in February. A couple of plants caught my attention as well, including the lush-green, parsley-like basal rosettes of Poison Hemlock. Quite a lot of birds were out as well: Robins, Chickadees, Cedar Waxwings, and Cardinals. Walking a side street back to the car we stopped to admire a giant Sycamore towering above the neighborhood houses.

Posted on February 19, 2017 04:14 AM by scottking scottking


Photos / Sounds


Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)




February 18, 2017


omaha ne (Google, OSM)


Question Mark
First butterfly of the year, and the first I've ever seen in February
Near 80 degrees today
Elmwood Park
Omaha, Nebraska


Of course I'm much further south, but I saw my first butterflies of the year yesterday. A Mourning Cloak for sure (though I was riding my bike and didn't get a chance at a picture), and what was probably a Question Mark, but it was a quick fly-by.

Posted by lfelliott over 7 years ago

Lee, is that an early sighting for your area?

Posted by scottking over 7 years ago

Not really, they both can be active in the winter on warm days (Betros, B. 2008. Photographic Guide to the Butterflies in the Kansas City Region).

Posted by lfelliott over 7 years ago

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