How do the niches differ between the ostrich (Struthio camelus) and a coexisting ungulate, Grant's gazelle (Nanger granti)? part 2

Crude protein estimation for Grant's gazelle
Values are weighted means (% crude protein X % of diet*).
Harpachne schimperi leaves 1220 (8.6%); stems 22.4 (4.2%)
Cynodon dactylon/nlemfuensis leaves 152.7 (4.2%); stems 16.8 (2.3%)
'Harpachne lin' leaves 130.6 (9.2%); stems 12.2 (2.3%)
Microchloa kunthii leaves 54.7 (3.85%); stems 12.2 (2.3%)
Themeda triandra leaves 4.2 (0.4%); stems 0.3 (0.1%)
Sida sp. indet. leaves and stems 210.0 (14.0%)
Unidentified leaves 5.5 (0.4%
); stems 28.6 (5.4%)
Indigofera leaves and stems 340.2 (14.0%
Solanum leaves 123.2 (6.2%) fruits 26.2 (1.54%)
Leguminous seeds and pods 127.5 (5.1%)
Asteraceae indet. 76.5 (5.1%
Balanites aegyptiaca 72.8 (2.6%*)

Total = 1583
Mean = 15.83% crude protein

Posted on May 16, 2024 05:52 PM by milewski milewski


J D Reed's (1983) thesis ( implies that Nanger granti eats Hibiscus flavifolius (needs checking).

Posted by milewski 5 months ago

Ostrich adult female individual 'Esmerelda', WRR:
about the only long stems swallowed in one peck were the soft green stems of vines, e.g. Convolvulaceae

Posted by milewski 5 months ago

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