Seawhip Goby - a new record for LHI Marine Park

We're thrilled to share an exciting new record for Lord Howe Island Marine Park!
A recent photograph by @chris_cooki captured a stunning Seawhip Goby, Bryaninops yongei, perched on a Wire Coral, Cirrhipathes sp. This observation was made at the spectacular Ball's Pyramid about 23 km southeast of Lord Howe Island. Ball's Pyramid is known not only for being awesome above water, but also for its dramatic underwater landscapes.
The Seawhip Goby is known to inhabit tropical waters across the Indo-west-central Pacific. In Australia, it has been recorded from northwestern Western Australia and along the Great Barrier Reef, extending from Yonge Reef to Swains Reef in Queensland. This sighting in Lord Howe Island Marine Park adds a significant new location to the known range of the species.
The new record not only enhances our knowledge of the species’ distribution but also underscores the ecological significance of this unique marine reserve.
A special thank you goes out to goby expert Helen Larson, whose expertise was crucial in confirming the identification of this beautiful fish.
Ball's Pyramid image By JillBBruce - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Posted on August 15, 2024 01:39 AM by markmcg markmcg


Awesome find. You never know if you don't go. So get out and get looking Citizen Scientists.

Posted by lynsh about 1 month ago

Thank you for your comment @lynsh. This observation shows, yet again, the power of iNaturalist. :)

Posted by markmcg about 1 month ago

I was so excited to find this gorgeous fish in the cave - not only were we lucky enough to dive again at the Pyramid - so happy to help the Marine Park with our observations over the 3-week dive period. The year before I had photographed a Seawhip shrimp and was hoping to get more photos, instead we happened upon a pair of these. Macro photography gives its rewards, revealing what most people never know is there! Thanks for the write up Mark.

Posted by chris_cooki about 1 month ago


Posted by hsini_lin about 1 month ago

MyFavouriteGoby at my favourite dive spot!

Posted by walshiepedia about 1 month ago

This is amazing. Well done @chris_cooki

Posted by susanprior about 1 month ago
Posted by susanprior about 1 month ago

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