Systropus (Systropus) macilentus Wiedemann 1820

Systropus (Systropus) macilentus Wiedemann 1820

An elegant Ammophila wasp-like Bombyliid of reddish to reddish-brown and black colour pattern (first abdominal segment, abdominal segments II-V above are reddish) with infuscate wings with 2 submarginal cells.
Best identified by comparing to photo of type.

Original description (page 19) with figure in:
Wiedemann, C.R.W. 1820. Munus rectoris in Academia Christiano-Albertina iterum aditurus nova dipterorum genera. Offert iconibusque illustrat. C. F. Mohr, Kiliae Holsatorum

Systropus macilentus group
A group of 4 species characterized as follows:

  • fore and mid tibiae without conspicuous silvery pubescence,
  • hind femora with some spines below;
  • pteropleuron without a distinctly tufted patch of silvery or white hair on posterior margin;
  • petiole of four segments (II-V), club well differentiated although small;
  • pale areas of body and legs reddish, reddish brown or brown;
  • wing distinctly infuscate, with 2 or 3 submarginal cells.
  • restricted to the Cape and adjacent south-west areas

Detailled redescritption of S. macilentus (and key) in:
Bowden, J. 1967. Studies in African Bombyliidae. VI. A provisional classification of the Ethiopian Systropinae with descriptions of new and little known species, Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 30, No. 2

Type locality: Cape of Good Hope, Western Cape, South Africa

iNat observations:

Posted on October 6, 2024 09:27 AM by traianbertau traianbertau


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