2024 WVC Field Ecology - Spring's Journal

Journal archives for April 2024

April 4, 2024

Congrats on an amazing trip!

Hello Field Ecologists,

Wow - what a trip we just completed. Snow, wind, rain, dunes, mountains, superblooms, sidewinders, and that's just the start!

For this iNaturalist project, please upload your photos and make sure that date/time is accurate, and the location as accurate. The project parameters will automatically include them.

You may enjoy reviewing other people's observations to help with your own ID skills, or to re-live the experience. You may also want to help identify other people's observations. But check back frequently over the next week or two because it will take some time for everyone to get their photos uploaded.

My rule of thumb for identification help is to only ID something if your level of confidence meets or exceeds the current level of identification. For example, someone might identify a plant as Rosacea (Rose family), but you may know that it's a Bitterbrush, but perhaps not know what species specifically. So you could identify it to genus, Purshia. If you don't know, leave it be with no additional ID.

By clicking around the project you can find observations in need of ID, maps, and summaries. But to make it easy:

Project Overview:https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/2024-wvc-field-ecology-spring

Project observations needing an ID: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?project_id=196174&quality_grade=needs_id&verifiable=any

Map of all observations: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/2024-wvc-field-ecology-spring?tab=observations&subtab=map

Posted on April 4, 2024 06:25 PM by naturesarchive naturesarchive | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Clarification on IDs

One thing I didn't mention in the first journal post:

When submitting your observations - if you aren't sure of the specific identification, ID to the level you are comfortable. For example, maybe you know it is a plant, or perhaps you know it is a dicot. Some level of identification, even if at kingdom or phylum is better than leaving something as "unknown".

Posted on April 4, 2024 09:41 PM by naturesarchive naturesarchive | 0 comments | Leave a comment
