Budawang Coast Atlas of Life's Journal

Journal archives for March 2021

March 25, 2021

Towards iNaturalist

We have certainly made good progress since my last update a couple of months ago. Many more contributors have now copied their observations to their iNaturalist account. The number of observations has increased from 23,000 to 27,200, the number of species has increased from 3,175 to 3,420, and the number of observers has increased from 811 to 931. Importantly, membership to the project has increased from 38 to 86! Well done on this great effort, and a warm welcome to new members.

The end of March was nominated as the second cut off period for requesting copying of records from Naturemapr to iNat. At this time, however, we are experiencing some problems in copying records from Naturemapr due to some frequently changing technical elements of the Naturemapr platform. This is affecting both the Budawang Coast and the Coastal Wilderness project. We are working with iNat to find a solution.

Please be assured that any requests sent to iNaturalist to have your records copied have been received. We suggest that if you have less than 20 or so sightings in Naturemapr then it would be most efficient if you could enter those sightings into iNaturalist yourself, assuming you still have sufficient information. Please go to https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/upload and drag the photo up and add a date and location. It will be good practice on how to use iNat too! If you have too many sightings to manually enter each record just hold off requesting a transfer to iNat until we get in touch with an update on a technical solution.

Please write to budawangcoast@gmail.com if you need assistance.
regards and best wishes

Chair, Budawang Coast Atlas of Life

Posted on March 25, 2021 12:31 AM by annielane annielane | 0 comments | Leave a comment