November 27, 2017

Welcome to the Enosburgh Town Forest Project!

Enosburgh Town Forest (ETF) is a 120-acre tract of land lying within the Cold Hollow to Canada Northern Forest corridor. Its 107 forested acres consist of 13 acres of northern hardwoods, 53 acres of pioneer (transition) growth, 27 acres of pioneer growth, and 14 acres of white pine plantation. Active beaver ponds and several seeps and small streams comprise its 13 acres of wetlands (source: ETF map by N. Patch, July 2005). All in all, this land provides diverse habitats supporting diverse species, both resident and migratory.

Your contributions to this project are welcome! I hope you will submit your photos and/or sound recordings to document the wild organisms that live in the Enosburgh Town Forest either year-round or seasonally. I am still learning to use iNaturalist, but over the past months, I have become familiar with its workings and am happy to field your questions. If I can't answer one or more, I expect I can put you in touch with someone who can.

Best regards!
Charlotte Bill

Posted on November 27, 2017 12:23 AM by cgbb2004 cgbb2004 | 0 comments | Leave a comment
