Fulgoromorpha: The coolest insects!'s Journal

Journal archives for February 2023

February 6, 2023

Planthoppers of Mauritius

Now, it's time to travel to Mauritius, Africa. Known for extinct dodos, Mauritius hosts at least 3 species of planthoppers.
Here's a list and ids for the species:


  1. Flatopsis nivea
  2. Stenocranus sp.
  3. Fulgormorpha indet.


Meaning of highlighted words

base: (here) Region close to the point of attachment to the thorax

Flatopsis nivea

The only definitive species from the area. A typical flatid planthopper, It can be distinguished from any other flatid by the presence of one large spot, and in some specimens, another small dot.

Stenocranus sp.

Only one record over here.. Differs from all other stencranus species by having a white line that starts near the base of the wings, while other stenocranus species, the line starts from the most frontal upper region of the head.

Fulgoromorpha indet.

The specimen looks like Terauchiana, but isn't, as the snout is too short.

Posted on February 6, 2023 04:05 PM by aaravmishra aaravmishra | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Pyrilla protuberans, redescription

Pyrilla protuberans Stål, 1859

Cephalic process narrows toward the apex, but stops narrowing down near the apex.

spots are situated all over the wings, and form small bands near the edges of the wings.

Posted on February 6, 2023 08:47 PM by aaravmishra aaravmishra | 0 comments | Leave a comment

February 7, 2023

The genus Hariola Stål, 1863

No one has found this creature on iNat, so incase anyone does, it will be very useful. It's range is in Indonesia, in the countries Buru, Maluku and Papua. It's species can be distinguished easily by their cephalic process / snout.

Definition for Hariola

1) Wings: transparent; coloured near wing base and membrane
2) Ovular eyes
3) Found within the countries Buru, Maluku and Papua

Comment any more points and I will add.

Hariola tiarata

Stål, 1863

Snout large distinct. Towards the apex, the snout / cephalic process goes forward. Almost halfway the snout / cephalic process, it turns upwards, and becomes slightly bulbous similar those of the pyrops' effusus group, which I have wittten about here.

Distribution: Buru and Maluku islands

Hariola claryi

Nagai, Porion and Audibert, 2016

Snout short with flat apex. Snout slightly tilted upwards.

Distribution: Papua


Une deuxième espèce pour le genre Hariola Stål, 1863 : H. claryi n. sp., de Papouasie (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Fulgoridae)

Posted on February 7, 2023 08:15 PM by aaravmishra aaravmishra | 0 comments | Leave a comment

February 8, 2023

Tonga westwoodi, Redescription.

Now, This article is only on one weird species of fugoromorph: Tonga westwoodi. Range: South-east Asia.

This is a redescription of the species. It's the only species under the monotypic1 genus Tonga.



The head's generally green, but pls don't use colour for identifying fulgoromorphs. It can lead to maverick ids. I had made the same mistake, but I don't want any one else to misidentify by just trusting colour. The weird part starts: The head has a notable cephalic process2; despite the fact that this feature is common among planthoppers/fulgormorphs, you will get to understand the weirdness when it will come to the wings. A line runs from the tip of cephalic process2 to the back tip of the wings, like in Genus stenocranus It is generally peach or yellow, but varies.


Legs are generally mid-tone brown, but don't use this for identification.


The wings are shaped in a strange way: The apex3 at the bottom the wings are rounded and and the apex at the top of the wings is like a spike. There are spots, but not like the ones on the Torpedo bug, or Siphanta acuta, but more like the ones on pyrops species which have long cephalic processes2 like this species, but the "leaf" shaped wings are like those of Flatidae. Weird, isn't?

Word help:
1 Monotypic: A taxon with only one subtaxon.
2 Cephalic process: a "snout" or projection protruding from the front of and insect's head.
3 Apex: (of an insect) The point farthest on an organ (Eg. legs or wings) from where it attaches from the rest of the body.

Posted on February 8, 2023 08:31 PM by aaravmishra aaravmishra | 0 comments | Leave a comment

February 9, 2023

Prolepta celebensis

This is an article based on prolepta celebensis Nagai, Porion and Audibert, 2016. The species is comparable with Prolepta ferocula Stål, 1863, the species is considerably weird;


Head: In p.celebensis, the cephalic process goes downwards, and after covering approximately 25%, take a sharp turn in a forward direction, sort of like a L rotated by 90 or-90 deg (Based on which direction you are looking at it from).

Eyes: ovular.

The thorax is wider than head (including eyes).

This is the part that is similar to p.ferocula, as the wings look the same, except that p.celebensis's wings are broader.


Un nouveau Fulgoridae de Sulawesi : Prolepta celebensis n. sp. (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha)

Posted on February 9, 2023 03:21 PM by aaravmishra aaravmishra | 0 comments | Leave a comment

February 10, 2023

Review of effusus group of the genus Pyrops

Now, Even if this sounds complex to differentiate these species, it's 100 times easier.


1 -----Snout goes forward but turns upwards and slightly bulbous after covering 50% of snout ----- = Effusus group;

2 ----- Snout mostly blue ----- = P. whiteheadi or P. synavei;
2.1 ----- Spots on wings ----- = P. whiteheadi;
2.2 ----- Spots formed into bands for first half from base of wings ([here] The point where the wings attach to thorax) ----- = P. synavei;

3 ----- Snout mostly yellow for first half from base ([here] The point where the snout attaches to head) and the rest navy blue or dark green with wings green for two thirds from base ([here] The point where the wings attach to thorax) and the rest brown or orange ----- P. effusus of P. gunjii;
3.1 ----- Wings green for two thirds from base ([here] The point where the wings attach to thorax) and the rest brown or similar shades with a bright patch ----- = P. gunjii
3.2 ----- Wings green for two thirds from base ([here] The point where the wings attach to thorax) and the rest orange or similar shades without a bright patch ----- = P. effusus


This article has been mentioned in:

The genus Hariola Stål, 1863 by Aarav mishra on Fulgoromorpha: The coolest insects!'s journal.

Identification for the clavatus group of the genus pyrops by Aarav mishra on Fulgoromorpha: The coolest insects!'s journal.


Review of the effusus group of the Lanternfly genus Pyrops Spinola, 1839, with one new species and notes on trophobiosis (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae)

Posted on February 10, 2023 09:59 AM by aaravmishra aaravmishra | 0 comments | Leave a comment

February 12, 2023

Cartoon style debrid planthoppers!

The name of the creature is peggiopsis pseudoflavicornis, which is native to the phillipines and neighbouring islands.

But what makes it special is that it has two "snouts", which are red and are vertically flattened; Also it has inflated eyes, that makes it cartoonish.

More info:

Head: generally peach;
Wings: very long;
Taxonomic position under derbidae: basal;

I have already identified two observations as this taxon;

Posted on February 12, 2023 07:00 PM by aaravmishra aaravmishra | 0 comments | Leave a comment

February 15, 2023

Illustration of pyrops fumosus

I gave it a try and here is the result.

Posted on February 15, 2023 07:25 PM by aaravmishra aaravmishra | 1 comment | Leave a comment

February 18, 2023

Identification for the clavatus group of the genus pyrops

After the effusus group, the clavatus group is the only group with bulbous snout in the genus pyrops;

Snout diagonally pointed and straight, and intensely bulbous at the apex (top of the snout).....Clavatus group

1 ..... Snout bulbous upwards, but remains flat from below. Typically yellow snout and snout not very intensely bulbous at apex ..... P. wantanbei / Wantabei's lanternfly

2 ..... Snout intensely bulbous ..... P. clavatus / P. atroalbus
2.1 ..... Wings with spots that do not merge with each other ..... P. clavatus
2.2 ..... Wings with spots that merge with each other ..... P. atroalbus


This article has been mentioned in:

Identification for the polliensis group of the genus pyrops by Aarav mishra on Fulgoromorpha: The coolest insects!'s journal.

Posted on February 18, 2023 04:44 PM by aaravmishra aaravmishra | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Identification for the polliensis group of the genus pyrops

The snout of the members of the polliensis group have inflated snouts, and were once placed in the clavatus group.

1 ..... Wings smoky ..... P. polliensis
2 ..... Wings not smoky ..... P. samaranus

Posted on February 18, 2023 04:54 PM by aaravmishra aaravmishra | 0 comments | Leave a comment
