Rare Plants of Alberta's Journal

Journal archives for July 2024

July 26, 2024

July Update

(Hello in Anishinaabemowin)

Our previous two walks at Naapi's Garden and Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park (Áísínai'pi) were fantastic. Thank you to everyone who attended.

At Naapi's garden, we observed wildflowers such as Purple Geranium, Low Larkspur, Wild onion (Pisatsiinikimm), Wild Carrot (Niistsikápa’s), and Nineleaf Biscuitroot (Opihtahtsi). Api'soomaahka taught us about how yarrow (Áóhtoksóoki) is known as the "medicine chest" of the prairies. The leaves can be used as a tea, to make bandaids, and a mosquito deterrent!

At Áísínai'pi we found Green Comet Milkweed (Onnikiisaikimsskaan). We set up sites using ribbon and recorded all the plants occurring within 3m of the Milkweed. We learned that Áísínai'pi is a very sacred place to the Blackfoot (Niitsitapi), and listened to stories about the spirits that left marks on the rocks.

See photos below!

Naapi's Garden


Have a so'kapi (great) day,


Posted on July 26, 2024 09:32 PM by toryanse toryanse | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July 29, 2024

Rare Plant Walk, August 3rd


Our walk this upcoming week will be at Eagle Child Tipi Ring Site, location on the Kainai First Nation Reserve.

Saturday August 3, 2024 at 1:00pm - 3:00pm at Eagle Child Tipi Ring Site.

We will meet at Naapi's Garden and then drive together to Eagle Child Tipi Ring Site (a five minute drive). We will walk around the site, looking for Purple Geranium and recording photos of neighboring plants to iNaturalist. We will walk around, taking photos of plants, and learning their cultural significance.

All you will need is a smartphone with a camera and a good pair of shoes. The photos you take of any plants can be uploaded to iNaturalist to participate in the Rare Plants of Alberta Project. We suggest downloading iNaturalist, creating an account, and joining the Rare Plants of Alberta iNaturalist project ahead of time.

The data collected during community plant walks will be used in research at the University of Calgary to investigate the relationships between rare plants and their communities in Alberta.

Register through the form here.

Hope to see you there!


Posted on July 29, 2024 09:39 PM by toryanse toryanse | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Rare Plant Walk, August 3rd


Our walk this upcoming week will be at Eagle Child Tipi Ring Site, located on the Kainai First Nation Reserve.

Saturday August 3, 2024 at 1:00pm - 3:00pm at Eagle Child Tipi Ring Site.

We will meet at Naapi's Garden and then drive together to Eagle Child Tipi Ring Site (a five minute drive). We will walk around the site, looking for Purple Geranium and recording photos of neighboring plants to iNaturalist. We will walk around, taking photos of plants, and learning their cultural significance.

All you will need is a smartphone with a camera and a good pair of shoes. The photos you take of any plants can be uploaded to iNaturalist to participate in the Rare Plants of Alberta Project. We suggest downloading iNaturalist, creating an account, and joining the Rare Plants of Alberta iNaturalist project ahead of time.

The data collected during community plant walks will be used in research at the University of Calgary to investigate the relationships between rare plants and their communities in Alberta.

Register through the form here.

Hope to see you there!


Posted on July 29, 2024 09:41 PM by toryanse toryanse | 0 comments | Leave a comment
