Taxonomic Swap 111841 (Committed on 2022-07-04)

Added by pjd1 on July 4, 2022 08:07 AM | Committed by pjd1 on July 4, 2022
replaced with


New Zealand Weinmannia are now placed in Pterophylla (Pillon et al. 2021).


Pillon, Y.; Hopkins, H.C.F.; Maurin, O.; Epitawalage, N.; Bradford, J.; Rogers, Z.S.; Baker, W.J.; Forest, F. 2021: Phylogenomics and biogeography of Cunoniaceae (Oxalidales) with complete generic sampling and taxonomic realignments. American Journal of Botany 108(7): 1–20.

Posted by pjd1 about 2 years ago

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