Taxonomic Swap 118281 (Committed on 2022-12-07)

Thyrsanthemum macrophyllum is treated as a synonym of Thyrsanthemum floribundum in this recent monograph of the genus

Recircumscription and synopsis of Thyrsanthemum and Weldenia
(Commelinaceae), two narrow endemic genera from Mesoamerica
Article in Kew Bulletin · July 2021

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Added by jasonrgrant on December 8, 2022 02:21 AM | Committed by jasonrgrant on December 7, 2022
replaced with


Can only see it under T. longifolium as in POWO:
"1.4. Thyrsanthemum longifolium (M.Martens &
Galeotti) M.Pell. & Espejo, comb. nov.
Tradescantia dracaenoides (C.B.Clarke) Greenm.
(Greenman 1903: 70). Tradescantia longifolia
(M.Martens & Galeotti) Greenm. (Greenman
1898: 471), nom. illegit., non T. longifolia Sessé &
Moc., nec T. longifolia Small. Tradescantia holosericea
var. dracaenoides C.B.Clarke in A.DC. & C.DC.
(1881: 302). Dichorisandra longifolia M.Martens &
Galeotti, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 9: 378 (1842).
Type: Mexico. Hidalgo: Metztitlán, San Pedrito,
1840, fl., H. G. Galeotti 4942 (holotype: BR barcode
Thyrsanthemum macrophyllum (Greenm.) Rohweder
(1956: 166), as “macrophylla”. Aneilema greenmanii
Woodson (1942: 147). Tradescantia macrophylla
Greenm. (Greenman 1898: 472), synon. nov. T"

Posted by davidia almost 2 years ago

Argh, yes you're right. Wrong copy and paste too late at night.

Posted by jasonrgrant almost 2 years ago

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