Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Acraeini. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Acraea 68481

Taxonomic Split 128949 (Committed on 2023-08-11)

DO NOT COMMIT - >10000 obs so needs staff input. Genus Acraea has been split into multiple genera. Species have all been swapped. See Williams, M.C. & Henning, G.A. 2023. Taxonomic revision of the tribe Acraeini Boisduval, 1833 (Papilionoidea: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae). Metamorphosis 34: 35–49

Afrotropical Butterflies and Skippers (Citation)
Added by rjq on August 3, 2023 03:33 PM | Committed by rjq on August 11, 2023
split into


@loarie am I OK to commit this split? More than a hundred species have been moved from Acraea to the other genera, this is just tidying up. Most of the remaining Acraea obs will stay as Acraea, it's only a few thousand genus IDs that will be changed, nearly all will move to a tribe ID as the daughter genera have largely overlapping ranges

Posted by rjq about 1 year ago

looks good to me, looks like it will do what you say:

Number of IDs Destination Atlas
338 Acraea Atlased
0 Tildia Atlased
35 Telchinia Atlased
0 Stephenia Atlased
0 Rubraea Atlased
0 Bematistes Atlased
171 Acraeini Outside of all atlases
2665 Acraeini Overlapping atlases

Posted by loarie about 1 year ago

@loarie thanks, just wanted to check as the number of obs is > than the 10,000 threshold for committing

Posted by rjq about 1 year ago

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