Taxonomic Swap 144326 (Committed on 2024-06-26)

"According to the Code (Greuter et al., 1988: Art. 34.1b) names suggested provisionally are invalid and, hence, this epithet must be rejected. By the time A. fony was validly published (Perrier de la Bathie, 1952a), Jumelle & Perrier de la Bathie (1909a) had already published the name A. rubrostipa, giving the latter name nomenclatural priority." (Baum 1995:

Many thanks to David Rabehevitra, Solofo Eric Rakotoarisoa, and Kitty Maurey for their expertise and help.

For more information, see this flag:

A Systematic Revision of Adansonia (B... (Citation)
Added by alecc on June 26, 2024 03:55 PM | Committed by alecc on June 26, 2024
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