Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Gymnopilus junonius. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Gymnopilus junonius 83196


@cooperj, tough one to atlas. Other than Asia and North America, it seems like the right name is G. junonius at the moment, so those should stay. For North America, though, there are at least four ENA species, one of which is also present in the PNW. It isn't clear what the extents of the ranges of those species are, so it might be best at the moment to just leave it so all G. junonius in North America gets swapped to Complex G. junonius. The only (maybe) exception would possibly be California, Oregon, and Washington, since it isn't clear that more than G. ventricosus is present there. Still, with G. voitkii in British Columbia, it is possible...

Posted by jameskm almost 4 years ago

Sounds about right.
The New Zealand/Australia versions are certainly the real G. junonius.

Posted by cooperj almost 4 years ago

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