Taxonomic Swap 18944 (Committed on 2017-05-11)

This is the treatment in Go Botany as of Jan 2017. Calflora has also adopted this generic placement for the species in CA (T. latifolia), though The Plant List has not.

Go Botany (Citation)
Added by kueda on January 2, 2017 04:24 PM | Committed by kueda on May 11, 2017
replaced with


@loarie, @charlie, @mickley, does this seem right to you? Definitely the GoBotany treatment, mostly want a second pair of eyes before I commit.

Posted by kueda over 7 years ago

seems fine to me - but if it is at the genus level then you should also swap out T. latifolia et al

Posted by loarie over 7 years ago

I have T. latifolia queued up at What's less clear to me is what to do with the others in the genus, since we have no authority for them other than The Plant List, which still uses Trientalis.

Posted by kueda over 7 years ago

Is this paper responsible? and if so is my reading that they lumped all former Anagallis, Pelletiera and Trientalis into Lysimachia right? If so, it seems the proper thing to do would be to swap all species in those 3 genera into Lysimachia.... yay taxonomy

Posted by loarie over 7 years ago

It could be, but I'm mostly concerned with tracking our authorities. Calflora adopts that new Manns & Anderberg treatment as does GoBotany, so for Anagallis and Trientalis it makes sense. Pelletiera seems to be a genus from places where we don't have regional authorities so by our own rules we would follow The Plant List ( and leave it alone.

Posted by kueda over 7 years ago

this is the problem with not having global authorities..

Posted by loarie over 7 years ago

Yeah, we've been using Lysimachia in Vermont I think. it's kinda odd because it doesn't look much like the other Lysimachias but i know that isn't a good criteria for that type of thing. I don't have a strong preference either way for this one

Posted by charlie over 7 years ago

Weakley (2015) uses Lysimachia, although I didn't realize it until I looked it up after seeing this swap.

Posted by eraskin over 7 years ago

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