David Kisner

Joined: Apr 25, 2019 Last Active: May 30, 2024 iNaturalist

My career in field biology started with rolling over logs in the redwood forest at the age of three or four years old. I eventually made it through school and graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a BA in Ecology and Evolution. During my stint at UCSB, I began birding and had some fantastic mentors and opportunities. I began working with Least Bell's Vireos and other riparian species but continued to explore the diverse habitats of California and the western US.

My path eventually bumped into environmental impact assessment and that started a new chapter in my career. Since then I have worked on various projects from small and local to huge and involving numerous State and Federal agencies. I sidestepped work to pursue a Master of Science from San Diego State University looking at the impact of the invasive Arundo donax (giant reed) on the riparian bird community but returned to the biological consulting.

More recently I have gotten into smaller projects involving more ecological restoration and scientific investigation with less construction monitoring. Birds have continued to be the cornerstone of my work and interest in wildlife but am very interested in all wildlife, most plants, and the interactions of these and humans.

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