And we’re done! 11198 observations!

The clock’s struck 12, and our 96-hour mad dash to find, record and photograph as much nature as we can in Christchurch is over. What a last day it was, too, with a wild afternoon of gale-force southerly gusts, biting rain, flooded streets and power outages! Whether you were braving the weather to get a last few observations on the board, or huddled inside uploading photos you took earlier in the Challenge, you kept our tally growing. As of midnight at the close of the challenge we are at 11198 observations of 1904 species from 303 people. (At midnight last night we were on 9280 observations, 1411 species and 206 people.)

We topped 10,000 observations at 1:45PM with an observation of a little Ichneumonid wasp submitted by @zo33. Another exciting addition to our list today was a Hector’s dolphin, spotted by a kayaker on Saturday and uploaded this evening.

Many users still have a backlog of observations to post, and the user community will be working hard over the next week to identify everything that has (and is still to be posted) - remember we have until 9AM on May 6th to get everything finished. So our tally is sure to continue growing over the next week. We’ll post more updates here (just less frequently) and on's facebook and twitter feeds. The final results will come out late on May 7th, a few hours after the final global participating city (Maui, Hawaii) wraps up their upload and ID period.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who has participated over the last four days either here in Christchurch or virtually through the website. It’s been hard work, but a lot of fun! We hope the event has boosted your interest in the wild things that live alongside us, in all the nooks and crannies of Christchurch City and Banks Peninsula.

Posted on April 29, 2019 12:18 PM by laura-nz laura-nz


Definitely boosted my interest in wild things.

Posted by jennysaito about 5 years ago

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