Pencils down! 17549 observations!!!

As of 9AM, the City Nature Challenge is officially over for Christchurch - now we just need to wait 22 hours for the rest of the world to catch up! The final global results will be announced tomorrow afternoon our time.

The final tallies on our project page are amazing!
17549 observations
2377 species
312 observers
336 identifiers

Of our observations, 49% reached "research grade" in time, meaning they had been identified to species level with agreement from at least two different users. Another 29% are listed as "needs ID," which applies to observations that have photos or sounds, but for which the species level hasn't been agreed on by multiple users. This is often the case for species which are very difficult to identify without having a very close look at a specimen, for example. The final category, "casual," applies to 22% of our observations. Casual observations are those that either don't include evidence (for example, you saw a bird but couldn't get a photo of it before it flew away), or that are tagged as captive/cultivated.

In case you were wondering, our species count will include both observations identified to the species level, and a tally of "branch tips" for genera, families etc.

It's been an epic effort over the last 10 days to collect, upload and identify all of these observations. Thank you so much everyone for your hard work! We'll be in touch again tomorrow with a summary of global results, as well as some of the Christchurch-specific highlights.

Posted on May 5, 2019 09:22 PM by laura-nz laura-nz


Thanks to you, Jon, Colin and anyone else deserving. It's been a great event.

Posted by joepb about 5 years ago

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