Week of May 10-May 16

This week has been all about Ovenbirds. There have been 8 Ovenbirds found around campus, including one which was injured. The injured Ovenbird brought up another issue of what to do when you find an injured bird. I discovered the Ovenbird at Pottruck Gym about 7:45 Thursday 5/14/15 and realized that it was still alive. It was on its back and tried to set up right, but it was too injured. I was not sure how I could help the bird and I was clearly upsetting it, so at that that point I left it to expire in peace. I returned around 1:30 PM and was surprised to find that it was still alive. I called the Schuylkill Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (215) 482-8217 and then (Animal Control (267)-385-3800 to arrange transport of the bird.

Posted on August 17, 2015 05:59 PM by j-naturalist j-naturalist


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