American Woodcocks March 2017

These early migrants started appearing as bird-window collision victims around campus in late February and early March because of a very mild late winter. A snow storm and seasonal cold weather disrupted their migration. On campus we had both window-collision fatalities and 2 rescues (although it may have been the same bird both times). I have been aware of Woodcock activity on campus for a few years, they are among the top victims of bird-building collisions. When I heard that American Woodcocks use Houston Meadow for their complex mating ritual dance I made sure that I made it out there to see it. If I found a Woodcock on campus, I knew they would be active at the meadow that night. I made 3-4 visits and was able to record audio of the "peent" call and the strange whistling sounds that the male makes when ascends and descends.

Fatalities and Rescues on Campus:

Audio Recorded at Houston Meadow:

The American Woodcock fallout this spring made the news:

Posted on April 7, 2017 02:23 PM by j-naturalist j-naturalist


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