109-EBD Seminars, Thursday 13 pm. Beyond plant-pollinator networkslimate and geography(YouTube)

Anyone interested in plant-pollinator networks? Tomorrow at 1300 CET,
@ibartomeus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLHEsJ6Eu4A
will give a seminar talk: "Beyond plant-pollinator networks: How intraspecific and interspecific interactions shape community persistence." Looking forward to it!
@ebdonanaAnyone interested in plant-pollinator networks? Tomorrow at 1300 CET,
will give a seminar talk: "Beyond plant-pollinator networks: How intraspecific and interspecific interactions shape community persistence." Looking forward to it!

Ignasi Bartomeus is a community ecologist working at EBD-CSIC. www.bartomeuslab.com @ibartomeus. Abstract: Ecological communities are conformed by a complex group of interacting species. Ecologists tend to simplify their life by breaking the problem into smaller pieces and focusing, for example, on a single trophic level, or on a single type of interaction. But in nature, all interactions happen simultaneously. I present a joint effort to capture real-world complexity onto an ecological theory that allows us to understand species persistence. Overall, I show using mathematical, observational, and experimental approaches, how the network of species interactions constrains the opportunities of species to coexists. Only by including antagonistic and mutualistic interactions simultaneously, we can understand how communities persist.

Agustín Camacho Guerrero works as Marie Curie researcher at the Evolutionary Ecology Department of the Estación Biológica de Doñana. website: www.agustincamacho.com.

Abstract: Snake-like lizards render a fascinating study system to understand how species' phenotypes relate to climate and geographic distribution. Throughout ~180 My of history, elongated and limb reduced forms (snake-like) have evolved in at least 24 times, one of which are precisely the snakes. Along that time, snake-like lizards have evolved in all continents but the Antarctic. In this talk, I show some of my personal experience with them in Brazil and Australia, and how these species’ phenotypes may evolve in relation with climate and geographic distribution.

Santiago Castroviejo-Fisher is professor at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul, where he directs the laboratory of Vertebrate Systematics.

Abstract: the phenotype determines how an organism interacts with its environment and consequently it is at the center of some fundamental questions in biology. Among tetrapods, amphibians show notable variation in phenotypic characters associated with coloration, reproductive strategies, and development. In this lecture, I will present a series of empirical studies developed by collaborators and I where we attempt to discover patterns and mechanisms of phenotypic variation in amphibians related to color production, advertisement calls, and tadpoles. We developed our research within an evolutionary context and attempted to interpret the ecological and conservation implications of our results.

Madagascar is famous for its lemurs. In this talk, Onja Razafindratsima (UC Berkely) describes her meticulous work in understanding how seed dispersal by lemurs shapes the tree species composition and forest structure of Madagascar's unique rainforests.

Woensdag 3 maart - Lezing via Zoom: Bastaardsoortvorming bij mossen
Bryoloog Henk Siebel verzorgt de woensdagavondlezing met de titel 'Wie doet het met wie hoe vaak in Tortula? Waar leidt dat toe en wat zien we hiervan?' Over het wijdverspreide fenomeen van bastaardsoortvorming bij mossen. Deze lezing start om 19:30 uur en duurt 45 minuten. Vooraf en na afloop kun je terecht in de virtuele wereld van Wonder.Me en bijkletsen met andere deelnemers.


Overwinterende Kokmeeuwen(Larus) Maastricht (J Bakhuzien)

All Eis Huble Bee presentations have been recorded and are now available online. The project posters have also been made available for download.
Please find all the links at www.bestuivers.nl/hommelsymposium. Feel free to share this page with others who might be interested.

Landelijke Vlinderdag 2021

  1. Vlinderdag Wageningen 6 maart 2021
  1. Natuuronderzoek Documenten Natuurcentrum Limburg (BE)
  2. Natuuronderzoek Documenten Natuurcentrum Limburg Publicaties (BE)
  3. Geologische Fietsroute Natuurcentrum Limburg Publicaties (BE)
  4. Geologische Fietsroute Natuurcentrum Limburg Publicaties (BE)
  5. Natuuronderzoek Documenten Natuurcentrum Limburg (BE)
  6. Rachel 130 are natuurgebied 20 maart of 22 maart om 19:00
  7. Buxton Field Club

‘The Oldest Lake in Europe: The Birds and Wildlife of Lake Prespa’
my talk at 7pm on Sat 6 March 2021
Really looking forward to this talk about a very special place for two SPECIAL and formative institutions for me – the Buxton Field Club and the Derbyshire Ornithological Society. If you are a member you can watch free and if you are NOT a member you can watch free live streamed at YouTube here. Please join us
Next Meeting is van Rachel die een 130 are groot natuurgebied heeft op 20 maart of 22 maart om 19:00 https://buxtonstreetbystreet.co.uk/2021/02/26/free-virtual-wildlife-talk-with-buxton-field-club/

109-EBD Seminars, Thursday 13 pm. Beyond plant-pollinator networkslimate and geography(YouTube)

Posted on May 28, 2021 03:51 PM by ahospers ahospers


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