April 23, 2023

A study of Limacodidae Larvae linked to Calcarifera ordinata

G'day Folks,

Just letting you know I set up this project and an Observation Field (Limacodidae: Specimen Type) so Marc Epstein @marcepstein can map these specimens and try to work out what they are.
We've found as many of the adults & larva observations as we can and grouped them with the Observation Field. My assumption is that the adults look identical and no-one has made a mistake; but possibly joining all the adults under one name.

There are links under this project's "About" description to all the groups.

Please tag any other mothers you think might be interested; I'm sure I've missed some important people, apologies.

We'd be keen for people to tag Marc & myself if they come across another related iNat observation so we can add it to the appropriate groups within the project. We have removed any pupa/cases from the project at this stage as they should be accessible via the "Lepidoptera Life Cycles (Australia)" project.

I'm not sure, but this may form the basis/example of future endeavours to group moth larva. Matthew Connors has done something similar with known, but unname Orthoptera. It seems to be a way of grouping like species without being able to give them a proper id within iNat; to then id them once work has been done to give them a name.

@daviaker @donhe @reiner @thebeachcomber @claudiarose @cobaltducks @ethanbeaver @kallies @kenharris @koolah @dhobern @petermarriott @petermcq @pmwhitington @possumpete @mattcampbellaus @saltmarshsteve @ianmcmillan @mhewish @coanne @scottwgavins @istari @tjeales @domf @cesdamess



Posted on April 23, 2023 11:39 PM by ellurasanctuary ellurasanctuary | 2 comments | Leave a comment
