2022 Spring planting begins!
March 13, 2022
The first of two shipments of seedlings for the project arrived Wednesday, March 9th in advance of a significant snowfall which shutdown the town and planting for the week. But in true Kansas fashion, the sun came out on Sunday melting the snow with temperatures in the 60's. Perfect day for planting. I employed the assistance of a friend, Greg Williams, to man the dibble since I am still recovering from significant foot surgery in January. The new dibble worked wonderfully and we made quick work of the project.
The shipment was the one and only this year from Missouri Department of Conservation and included:
10 Fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus)
10 Button bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)
10 Vernal Witchhazel (Hamamelis vernalis)
10 Paw paw (Asimina triloba)
10 Rose mallow (Hibiscus lasiocarpos, I think)
The fringe trees were mainly planted on the west end in the shady wet space behind my house. Three were saved for the east end on the south side of the path where neighbor Len had fashioned a stone canal for runoff. The button bush lined that space as well along with 3 of the witchhazel. The Paw Paw were all planted together in the woods along the main path on the south side of the canal. The other witchhazel were planted in two clusters of 3 and 4 along the walking path. The rose mallow were distributed along the walking path. I had distributed seeds from native hibiscus obtained from the Pollinator Prairie last fall so hopefully we get some success and blooms!
The next major planting will occur next weekend from the Kansas Forestry Department shipment of 25 Spicebush and 25 serviceberry! Exciting indeed. I am looking forward to getting out after being cooped up for a long winter of convalescence.