June 8, 2024

Riverside, CA

Howdy. I will be in Riverside, California from June 9-19 if anyone is interested in meeting up! I'll be working at UCR's collection for much of it, but am planning on light trapping in the evenings.

Posted on June 8, 2024 04:17 PM by nomolosx nomolosx | 0 comments | Leave a comment

May 9, 2024

Treehopper Season: Smiliini

Have you ever wanted to give identifying your treehoppers a shot? Have you been overwhelmed by the lack of useful information available for doing so? And the seemingly infinite number of species that look practically identical? I have put together a very basic identification guide with some notes on BugGuide for the treehopper tribe Smiliini; genus Cyrtolobus and allies. Based on the past few years of looking at them, identifying them with @hopperdude215, tracking down types, and consulting with the experts of the group.


On the tribal page is a brief account of each genus and on the info page of each genus is a brief account of each species. I am still working to make the photos available as comprehensive as possible. I will be slowly populating the site with some better photographs for ID as time (and interest) allows. Nothing here is absolutely set in stone beyond the photographs of the types (everything I have been able to locate is on BugGuide). This won't really get easier—there are numerous undescribed species hiding in the eastern U.S.—but things will become more accurate as more data (photos!) ((specimens!)) become available.

So please look at some oak trees and make some observations if you feel so inclined.

Additionally, I am hoping that some of you may be able to observe the nymphs of Smiliini being tended by ants. Such mutualisms have been reported in literature, but photographic evidence of this does not exist for the tribe in the eastern U.S. The only instance for the tribe as a whole is this observation by @psyllidhipster, which also appears to be a novel record of gregarious behavior for the tribe. Smiliini nymphs will be found at the new growth of woody plants; most usually oaks, but numerous other trees.

P.S. someone should call Cyrtolobus or Smiliini "Windowed Treehoppers" or something.

I am tagging you, top observers of Smiliini:
@hoptoit @vcharny @bolickscott @woolcarderbee @kenkneidel @robvanepps @sambiology @stephane @tmurray74 @rkluzco @annieliveoak @ehjalmarson @hydaticus @johntrent @mangoverde @psweet @tfandre @vanremsen @amoorehouse @davidgeorge @imasongster @jtuttle @pierrickb @entomike

And treehopper people:
@hopperdude215 @micahfletcher @smckamey @brenolmorris @samjengland

Posted on May 9, 2024 03:55 AM by nomolosx nomolosx | 8 comments | Leave a comment

November 6, 2023

EntSoc 2023

Last minute, but

if any of you are around at the ESA Annual Conference and want to say hi, message me!

Posted on November 6, 2023 04:33 PM by nomolosx nomolosx | 2 comments | Leave a comment

October 29, 2023

Curious About Clastoptera?

Clastopterid Spittlebugs are notoriously difficult to identify externally. I have made a preliminary visual guide to the Clastoptera species of the United States and Canada, based on authoritatively identified specimens.

Posted on October 29, 2023 06:56 PM by nomolosx nomolosx | 5 comments | Leave a comment

April 25, 2023

iNat Hopper People

In an effort to declutter my profile bio, I'm going to move my (incomplete) list of iNat hopper ID'ers to a journal post. Please comment any important accounts that I am missing or if you'd like to be removed from the list. Also, I recently learned of spittlebug expert @lesday's passing, he will be sorely missed.

@ hopperdude215 — Kyle Kittelberger, hopper extraordinaire specialising in united states fauna; long-time bugguide editor and author of Hoppers of North Carolina
@ marcodehaas — Marco de Haas, expert on palearctic hoppers
@ gernotkunz — Gernot Kunz, expert on central european and costa rican hoppers
@ defreitasabner — Abner Silveira de Freitas, brazilian hopper expert
@ wongun — WonGun Kim, knowledgeable in south korean hemipterans
@ cicadina — Ilia Gjonov, expert in palearctic Auchenorrhyncha
@ michael_stiller — Michael Stiller, the expert on hoppers of africa (not very active these days)
@ lrubio7 — Lucas Rubio, very knowledgeable in South American Auchenorrhyncha

@ delphax — Charles Bartlett, leading expert on planthoppers (Fulgoroidea; especially Delphacidae)
@ psyllidhipster — Chris Mallory, psyllid extraordinaire and particularly knowledgeable in fulgorids
@ k_jiaranaisakul — Kawin Jiaranaisakul, expert on Indomalayan planthoppers
@ campodonico — Juan Francisco Campodonico, expert on Chilean planthoppers
@ loeck — Birgit Löcker, expert on Australian planthoppers
@ julio224 — Julio Cesar do Cargo Vaz Santos, South American planthopper expert specializing on Pintalia
@ bbahder — Brian Bahder, expert on palm-feeding Auchenorrhyncha
@ dyanega — Doug Yanega, knowledgeable on a number of planthopper groups

@ smckamey — Stuart McKamey, expert on treehoppers (Membracidae)
@ dawnflynn — Dawn Flynn, expert on treehoppers
@ micahfletcher — Micah Fletcher, expert on nearctic treehoppers
@ samjengland — Sam England, knowledgeable/expert in neotropical treehoppers
@ brenolmorris — Brendan Morris, expert in treehoppers

@ joelkits — Joel Kits, expert on leafhoppers (Cicadellidae)
@ joaco5 — Joaquín Davila, knowledgeable in south american sharpshooters (Cicadellinae)
@ jsauceda_v — Jefferson Sauceda, knowledgeable in neotropical leafhoppers
@ adilson_pinedo — Adilson Pinedo, expert on leafhoppers of Mexico

@ vthompson — Vinton Thompson, expert on spittlebugs
@ gervasiocarval — Gervasio Silva Carvalho, expert on neotropical spittlebugs

Posted on April 25, 2023 10:29 PM by nomolosx nomolosx | 0 comments | Leave a comment

May 16, 2021

Checklist of Hoppers of Massachusetts

People often ask about comprehensive species lists for certain states, so here is a draft list for Massachusetts; likely to continue growing for some time. They are arranged alphabetically from highest to most specific taxon. There are 614 recorded hopper species in the state. 410 species have been observed on iNat so far. Species labeled as "INT" are introduced. Records here are sourced from BugGuide, iNaturalist, personal records, and museum specimens. The most dubious records and those lacking sufficient data are excluded. Subspecies are excluded from this list.

  • Cercopoidea: 22 species

  • Aphrophoridae: 13 species

  • Cercopidae: 2 species

  • Clastopteridae: 7 species

  • Cicadoidea: 9 species

  • Membracoidea: 484 species
    • Cicadellidae: 409 species (2 undescribed)
    • Membracidae: 75 species (2 undescribed)

  • Fulgoroidea: 99 species
    • Acanaloniidae: 2 species
    • Achilidae: 13 species
    • Caliscelidae: 4 species
    • Cixiidae: 10 species
    • Delphacidae: 46 species
    • Derbidae: 14 species
    • Dictyopharidae: 4 species
    • Flatidae: 3 species
    • Issidae: 3 species

  • Cercopoidea (Spittlebugs)

    Aphrophoridae (Aphrophorid Spittlebugs)

    Aphrophorinae | Aphrophorini

    • Aphrophora alni INT
    • Aphrophora cribrata
    • Aphrophora gelida
    • Aphrophora parallela
    • Aphrophora quadrinotata
    • Aphrophora salicina INT
    • Aphrophora saratogensis

    Aphrophorinae | Cloviini

    • Lepyronia coleoptrata INT
    • Lepyronia quadrangularis

    Aphrophorinae | Philaenini

    • Neophilaenus lineatus INT
    • Philaenarcys killa
    • Philaenarcys spartina
    • Philaenus spumarius INT

    Cercopidae (Froghoppers)

    Ischnorhininae | Tomaspidini

    • Prosapia bicincta
    • Prosapia ignipectus

    Clastopteridae (Clastopterid Spittlebugs)

    Clastopterinae | Clastopterini

    • Clastoptera achatina
    • Clastoptera arborina
    • Clastoptera obtusa
    • Clastoptera proteus
    • Clastoptera saintcyri
    • Clastoptera testacea
    • Clastoptera xanthocephala [would benefit from further confirmation]

    Cicadoidea (Cicadas)



    • Magicicada septendecim


    • Megatibicen auletes
    • Neotibicen canicularis
    • Neotibicen davisi
    • Neotibicen linnei
    • Neotibicen lyricen
    • Neotibicen tibicen


    • Okanagana canadensis
    • Okanagana rimosa

    Cicadellidae (Leafhoppers)



    • Anoscopus serratulae INT
    • Aphrodes makarovi INT
    • Aphrodes bicinctus INT
    • Stroggylocephalus mixtus


    • Xestocephalus brunneus
    • Xesticephalus fulvocapitatus [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Xestocephalus nigrifrons [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Xestocephalus similis
    • Xestocephalus superbus
    • Xestocephalus n. sp. [would benefit from further confirmation]

    Cicadellinae (Sharpshooters)


    • Amphigonalia gothica
    • Draeculacephala angulifera
    • Draeculacephala antica
    • Draeculacephala constricta
    • Draeculacephala mollipes
    • Draeculacephala noveboracensis
    • Draeculacephala portola [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Draeculacephala robinsoni
    • Graphocephala coccinea
    • Graphocephala fennahi
    • Graphocephala versuta
    • Helochara communis
    • Plesiommata tripunctata
    • Tylozygus bifidus


    • Cuerna striata
    • Oncometopia orbona
    • Paraulacizes irrorata



    • Jikradia olitoria



    • Allygidius atomarius INT
    • Allygus mixtus INT
    • Atanus perspicillatus
    • Athysanus argentarius INT
    • Bandara johnsoni
    • Colladonus brunneus
    • Colladonus clitellarius
    • Colladonus setaceus
    • Conosanus obsoletus
    • Eutettix borealis
    • Eutettix marmoratus
    • Eutettix pictus
    • Eutettix tristis [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Extrusanus extrusus
    • Fitchana vitellina
    • Idiodonus kennicotti
    • Idiodonus morsei
    • Norvellina chenopodii
    • Norvellina seminuda
    • Orientus ishidae INT
    • Streptanus aemulans INT
    • Streptanus sordidus INT


    • Menosoma cincta


    • Athysanella (Amphipyga) acuticauda
    • Doratura stylata INT
    • Driotura gammaroides


    • Cicadula cyperacea
    • Cicadula saliens
    • Cicadula smithii [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Cicadula straminea [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Elymana acuma
    • Elymana inornata
    • Elymana sulphurella INT


    • Amblysellus curtisii
    • Amplicephalus littoralis
    • Amplicephalus osborni
    • Amplicephalus simplex
    • Endria inimica
    • Deltocephalus pulicaris INT
    • Destria bisgnata [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Graminella aureovittata
    • Graminella fitchii
    • Graminella nigrifrons
    • Graminella pallidula [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Graminella plana
    • Planicephalus flavocostatus
    • Polyamia apicata
    • Polyamia compacta
    • Polyamia interrupta
    • Polyamia obetecta
    • Sanctanus sanctus


    • Fieberiella florii INT


    • Hecalus major
    • Hecalus viridis
    • Memnonia flavida
    • Neohecalus lineatus


    • Limotettix (Limotettix) nigrax
    • Limotettix (Limotettix) striola
    • Limotettix (Neodrylix) parallelus
    • Limotettix (Ophiolix) cuneatus
    • Limotettix (Scleroracus) anthracinus
    • Limotettix (Scleroracus) comptonianus
    • Limotettix (Scleroracus) corniculus
    • Limotettix (Scleroracus) luteolus
    • Limotettix (Scleroracus) plutonius
    • Limotettix (Scleroracus) uhleri
    • Limotettix (Scleroracus) vaccinii


    • Balclutha abdominalis
    • Balclutha confluens INT
    • Balclutha impicta
    • Balclutha punctata INT
    • Balclutha rosea INT
    • Davisonia major
    • Macrosteles divisus
    • Macrosteles fascifrons
    • Macrosteles lepidus
    • Macrosteles parvidens
    • Macrosteles patruelis
    • Macrosteles quadrilineatus
    • Macrosteles slossoni


    • Hishimonus sellatus INT
    • Japananus hyalinus INT


    • Arthaldeus pascuellus INT
    • Cosmotettix beirnei
    • Cosmotettix bilineatus
    • Cosmotettix delector
    • Diplocolenus configuratus
    • Errastunus ocellaris INT
    • Flexamia areolata
    • Flexamia bidentata
    • Flexamia clayi
    • Flexamia picta
    • Flexamia reflexa
    • Flexamia sandersi
    • Laevicephalus acus
    • Laevicephalus melsheimerii
    • Laevicephalus peronatus
    • Latalus missellus
    • Latalus personatus
    • Latalus sayii
    • Paramesus major INT
    • Psammotettix lividellus
    • Sorhoanus orientalis


    • Chlorotettix balli
    • Chlorotettix brevidus
    • Chlorotettix galbanatus
    • Chlorotettix limosus
    • Chlorotettix lusorius
    • Chlorotettix meriscus
    • Chlorotettix spatulatus
    • Chlorotettix tergatus
    • Chlorotettix unicolor
    • Chlorotettix viridius
    • Dorydiella floridana
    • Paraphlepsius carolinus
    • Paraphlepsius collitus
    • Paraphlepsius dentatus
    • Paraphlepsius fulvidorsum
    • Paraphlepsius fuscipennis
    • Paraphlepsius irroratus
    • Paraphlepsius latifrons
    • Paraphlepsius luxuria
    • Paraphlepsius operculatus
    • Paraphlepsius solidaginis
    • Paraphlepsius tennessus
    • Pendarus punctiscriptus
    • Pendarus stipatus


    • Penthimia americana


    • Texananus (Iowanus) longipennis
    • Texananus (Iowanus) majestus
    • Texananus (Texananus) decorus


    • Cantura jucunda
    • Osbornellus alatus
    • Osbornellus auronitens
    • Osbornellus clarus
    • Osbornellus consors
    • Osbornellus limosus
    • Osbornellus unicolor
    • Prescottia lobata
    • Scaphoideus camurus
    • Scaphoideus carinatus
    • Scaphoideus crassus
    • Scaphoideus cyprius
    • Scaphoideus flavidus
    • Scaphoideus frisoni
    • Scaphoideus immistus
    • Scaphoideus incisus
    • Scaphoideus intricatus
    • Scaphoideus luteolus
    • Scaphoideus melanotus
    • Scaphoideus merus
    • Scaphoideus minor
    • Scaphoideus nigrellus
    • Scaphoideus ochraceus
    • Scaphoideus opalinus
    • Scaphoideus productus
    • Scaphoideus tergatus
    • Scaphoideus titanus
    • Scaphoideus veterator


    • Scaphytopius (Cloanthanus) acutus
    • Scaphytopius (Cloanthanus) cinereus
    • Scaphytopius (Cloanthanus) frontalis
    • Scaphytopius (Cloanthanus) fulvus
    • Scaphytopius (Cloanthanus) latus
    • Scaphytopius (Cloanthanus) magdalensis
    • Scaphytopius (Cloanthanus) nigrifrons


    • Stirellus bicolor



    • Acericerus ribauti INT
    • Balcanocerus provancheri
    • Idiocerus albolinea
    • Idiocerus alternatus
    • Idiocerus formosus
    • Idiocerus gillettei
    • Idiocerus lachrymalis
    • Idiocerus lunaris
    • Idiocerus nervatus
    • Idiocerus pallidus
    • Idiocerus raphus
    • Idiocerus stellaris
    • Idiocerus stigmaticalis INT
    • Idiocerus suturalis
    • Idiocerus venosus
    • Rhytidodus decimaquartus INT
    • Tremulicerus fulgidus INT


    • Macropsis (Macropsis) graminea INT
    • Macropsis (Macropsis) mendax INT
    • Macropsis (Macropsis) notata INT
    • Macropsis (Macropsis) ocellata INT
    • Macropsis (Neomacropsis) basalis
    • Macropsis (Neomacropsis) bifasciata
    • Macropsis (Neomacropsis) canadensis
    • Macropsis (Neomacropsis) fumipennis
    • Oncopsis cinctifrons
    • Oncopsis citrella
    • Oncopsis fitchi
    • Oncopsis flavidorsum
    • Oncopsis inconstans
    • Oncopsis minor
    • Oncopsis sobria
    • Oncopsis variabilis
    • Pediopsis tiliae INT
    • Pediopsoides distinctus



    • Pagaronia minor INT



    • Gypona melanota
    • Gyponana avara
    • Gyponana cacumina [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Gyponana extenda
    • Gyponana geminata
    • Gyponana gladia
    • Gyponana octolineata
    • Gyponana offula [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Gyponana parallela [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Gyponana procera
    • Gyponana quebecencis [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Gyponana salsa [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Gyponana striata [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Gyponana tubera [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Ponana albosignata [validity of species uncertain]
    • Ponana pectoralis
    • Ponana puncticollis
    • Ponana quadralaba
    • Ponana rubida
    • Ponana scarlatina
    • Prairiana kansana
    • Rugosana querci


    • Penestragania alabamensis
    • Penestragania apicalis

    Ledrinae (Flat-headed Leafhoppers)


    • Xerophloea major



    • Agallia constricta
    • Agallia deleta
    • Agallia quadripunctata
    • Agalliopsis (Agallaria) cervina
    • Agalliopsis (Agallaria) peneoculata
    • Agalliopsis (Agalliopsis) ancistra
    • Agalliopsis (Agalliopsis) novella
    • Ceratagallia (Aceratagallia) agricola
    • Ceratagallia (Aceratagallia) humilis
    • Ceratagallia (Aceratagallia) sanguinolenta



    • Neocoelidia tuberculata



    • Alebra aurea
    • Alebra bicincta
    • Alebra fumida
    • Alebra thoracica
    • Alebra wahlbergi INT


    • Dikraneura (Dikraneura) abnormis
    • Dikraneura (Dikraneura) angustata
    • Dikraneura (Dikraneura) arizona
    • Dikraneura (Dikraneura) mali
    • Dikrella (Dikrella) cruentata
    • Dikrella (Dikrella) hamar
    • Dikrella (Dikrella) scimitar
    • Forcipata loca


    • Coccineasca coccinea
    • Empoasca fabae
    • Empoascini-incertae-sedis murrayi
    • Hebata (Hebata) bifurcata
    • Hebata (Hebata) esuma
    • Hebata (Hebata) zanclus
    • Kyboasca atrolabes
    • Kyboasca maligna INT
    • Kyboasca trilobata
    • Kyboasca papyriferae
    • Kyboasca splendida
    • Kybos andresia
    • Kybos albolinea
    • Kybos clypeata
    • Kybos copula
    • Kybos empusa
    • Kybos obtusa
    • Kybos pergandei
    • Kybos trifasciatus
    • Matsumurasca (Matsumurasca) convergens


    • Erasmoneura vulnerata
    • Erasmoneura nigra
    • Erasmoneura nigerrima
    • Eratoneura abjecta
    • Eratoneura acantha
    • Eratoneura aculeata
    • Eratoneura adunca
    • Eratoneura affinis
    • Eratoneura ardens
    • Eratoneura basilaris
    • Eratoneura bigemina
    • Eratoneura carmini
    • Eratoneura certa
    • Eratoneura hartii
    • Eratoneura haysensis
    • Eratoneura inepta
    • Eratoneura lunata
    • Eratoneura macra
    • Eratoneura manus
    • Eratoneura marilandicae
    • Eratoneura mira
    • Eratoneura mirifica
    • Eratoneura morgani
    • Eratoneura osborni
    • Eratoneura parallela
    • Eratoneura restricta
    • Eratoneura rotunda
    • Eratoneura spinifera
    • Eratoneura ungulata
    • Eratoneura unica
    • Erythridula acicularis
    • Erythridula amabilis
    • Erythridula aspera
    • Erythridula bitincta
    • Erythridula clavata
    • Erythridula fumida
    • Erythridula infinita
    • Erythridula insigna
    • Erythridula jocosa
    • Erythridula kanza
    • Erythridula lawsoniana
    • Erythridula nitida
    • Erythridula obliqua
    • Erythridula parsonsi
    • Erythridula penelutea
    • Erythridula penenovea
    • Erythridula perita
    • Erythridula praecisa
    • Erythridula rufostigmosa
    • Erythridula tenebrosa
    • Erythridula victorialis
    • Erythridula volucris
    • Erythridula wysongi
    • Erythroneura bidens
    • Erythroneura bistrata
    • Erythroneura calycula
    • Erythroneura cancellata
    • Erythroneura comes
    • Erythroneura elegans
    • Erythroneura festiva
    • Erythroneura ontari
    • Erythroneura prima
    • Erythroneura rubra
    • Erythroneura rubrella
    • Erythroneura tricincta
    • Erythroneura vagabunda
    • Erythroneura vitifex
    • Erythroneura vitis
    • Erythroneura ziczac
    • Hymetta balteata
    • Illinigina illinoiensis
    • Rossmoneura carbonata
    • Rossmoneura tecta


    • Edwardsiana crataegi INT
    • Edwardsiana plebeja INT
    • Edwardsiana rosae INT
    • Empoa (Empoa) albicans
    • Empoa (Empoa) aureotecta
    • Empoa (Empoa) casta
    • Empoa (Empoa) gillettei
    • Empoa (Empoa) latifasciata
    • Empoa (Empoa) querci
    • Empoa (Empoa) rubricola
    • Empoa (Empoa) saffrana
    • Empoa (Empoa) scripta
    • Empoa (Empoa) venusta
    • Empoa (Empoa) vestita
    • Empoa (Empoa) n. sp. [validity of species uncertain]
    • Eupteryx atropunctata INT
    • Eupteryx flavoscuta
    • Eupteryx nigra
    • Eupteryx vanduzei
    • Ossiannilssonola antigone
    • Ossiannilssonola australis
    • Ossiannilssonola berenice
    • Ossiannilssonola hinei
    • Ossiannilssonola knulli
    • Ossiannilssonola mcateei
    • Ossiannilssonola quadrata
    • Ossiannilssonola tunicarubra
    • Ribautiana tenerrima INT
    • Ribautiana ulmi INT
    • Ribautiana unca
    • Typhlocyba cassiopeia
    • Typhlocyba melite
    • Typhlocyba modesta
    • Typhlocyba quercus INT
    • Zonocyba hockingensis
    • Zonocyba pomaria

    Membracidae (Treehoppers)



    • Platycotis vittata


    • Enchenopa binotata
    • Enchenopa latipes
    • Enchenopa n. sp. on Juglans nigra
    • Enchenopa n. sp. on Ptelea



    • Acutalis tartarea


    • Vanduzea arquata


    • Hadrophallus bubalus
    • Spissistilus festinus
    • Stictocephala albescens
    • Stictocephala basalis
    • Stictocephala bisonia
    • Stictocephala brevicornis
    • Stictocephala diceros
    • Stictocephala lutea
    • Stictocephala palmeri
    • Stictocephala substriata [validity of species uncertain]
    • Stictocephala taurina
    • Tortistilus inermis


    • Micrutalis calva
    • Micrutalis dorsalis


    • Entylia carinata
    • Publilia concava


    • Atymna castaneae
    • Atymna helena
    • Atymna querci
    • Cyrtolobus arcuatus
    • Cyrtolobus auroreus
    • Cyrtolobus fenestratus
    • Cyrtolobus fulginosus
    • Cyrtolobus fuscipennis
    • Cyrtolobus maculifrontis
    • Cyrtolobus pallidifrontis
    • Cyrtolobus pulchellus
    • Cyrtolobus puritanus
    • Cyrtolobus tuberosus
    • Cyrtolobus vau
    • Ophiderma definita
    • Ophiderma evelyna
    • Ophiderma flava
    • Ophiderma flavicephala
    • Ophiderma grisea
    • Ophiderma pubescens
    • Ophiderma salamandra
    • Smilia camelus
    • Xantholobus muticus


    • Archasia auriculata
    • Archasia belfragei
    • Carynota marmorata
    • Carynota mera
    • Carynota stupida
    • Glossonotus acuminatus
    • Glossonotus crataegi
    • Glossonotus nimbatulus
    • Glossonotus turriculatus
    • Glossonotus univittatus
    • Heliria cristata
    • Heliria gemma
    • Heliria fitchi
    • Telamona ampelopsidis
    • Telamona concava
    • Telamona decorata
    • Telamona excelsa
    • Telamona extrema
    • Telamona maculata
    • Telamona monticola
    • Telamona projecta
    • Telamona reclivata
    • Telamona stephani
    • Telamona tarda
    • Telamona tristis
    • Telamona westcotti
    • Thelia bimaculata



    • Microcentrus caryae
    • Microcentrus perditus

    Fulgoroidea (Planthoppers)


    Acanaloniinae | Acanaloniini

    • Acanalonia bivittata
    • Acanalonia conica


    Achilinae | Myconini

    • Cixidia brittoni
    • Cixidia confusa [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Cixidia opaca
    • Cixidia septentrionalis [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Cixidia slossonae [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Cixidia variegata [would benefit from further confirmation]

    Achilinae | Plectoderini

    • Catonia carolina
    • Catonia cinctifrons
    • Catonia lunata
    • Catonia nava
    • Catonia pumila
    • Synecdoche dimidiata [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Synecdoche impunctata


    Caliscelinae | Peltonotellini

    • Aphelonema (Aphelonema) simplex
    • Aphelonema (Nenema) histrionica
    • Bruchomorpha oculata
    • Bruchomorpha pallidipes


    Bothriocerinae | Bothriocerini

    • Bothriocerus cognita

    Cixiinae | Cixiini

    • Cixius apicalis
    • Cixius coloepeum [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Cixius misellus [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Cixius nervosus INT [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Cixius pini [would benefit from further confirmation]

    Cixiinae | Oecleini

    • Haplaxius pictifrons

    Cixiinae | Pentastirini

    • Melanoliarus placitus
    • Melanoliarus quinquelineatus
    • Pentastiridius cinnamomeus


    Delphacinae | Delphacini

    • Chionomus puellus
    • Chloriona sicula INT
    • Falcotoya sagae
    • Flavoclypeus andromedus
    • Isodelphax basivitta
    • Isodelphax nigridorsum
    • Javesella pellucida INT
    • Kosswigianella analis
    • Kosswigianella lutulenta
    • Liburniella ornata
    • Megamelus davisi
    • Megamelus distinctus
    • Megamelus lunatus
    • Megamelus metzaria
    • Megamelus palaetus
    • Muellerianella laminalis
    • Muirodelphax arvensis
    • Muirodelphax atralabis
    • Muirodelphax parvulus
    • Nothodelphax lineatipes
    • Pareuidella weedi
    • Phyllodinus nervatus
    • Pissonotus albovenosus
    • Pissonotus aphidioides
    • Pissonotus basalis
    • Pissonotus brunneus
    • Pissonotus concolor
    • Pissonotus delicatus
    • Pissonotus dorsalis
    • Pissonotus fiabellatus
    • Pissonotus guttatus
    • Pissonotus marginatus
    • Pissonotus piceus
    • Prokelisia crocea
    • Prokelisia dolus
    • Sogatella kolophon INT
    • Spartidelphax detectus
    • Stobaera tricarinata

    Kelisiinae | Kelisiini

    • Kelisia axialis [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Kelisia spinosa

    Stenocraninae | Stenocranini

    • Stenocranus brunneus
    • Stenocranus dorsalis
    • Stenocranus felti
    • Stenocranus lautus
    • Stenocranus unipunctatus
    • Stenocranus vittatus


    Cedusinae | Cedusini

    • Cedusa incisa
    • Cedusa maculata
    • Cedusa vulgaris

    Derbinae | Cenchreini

    • Omolicna uhleri

    Otiocerinae | Otiocerini

    • Anotia bonnetii [would benefit from further confirmation]
    • Anotia kirkaldyi
    • Anotia robertsonii
    • Apache degeeri
    • Otiocerus amyotii
    • Otiocerus coquebertii
    • Otiocerus wolfii
    • Shellenius schellenbergii
    • Sikaiana harti

    Otiocerinae | Patarini

    • Patara vanduzei


    Dictyopharinae | Phylloscelini

    • Phylloscelis atra

    Dictyopharinae | Scoloptini

    • Scolops angustatus
    • Scolops pungens
    • Scolops sulcipes


    Flatinae | Nephesini

    • Flatormenis proxima
    • Metcalfa pruinosa
    • Ormenoides venusta


    Thioniinae | Thioniini

    • Aplos simplex
    • Thionia bullata
    • Thionia elliptica [would benefit from further confirmation]

    The top hopper observers in MA are @tmurray74, @berkshirenaturalist, @nlblock, @akilee, @vernal3, @mmulqueen, @jef, @maractwin, @allysonv, and @wsweet321.

    Posted on May 16, 2021 10:32 PM by nomolosx nomolosx | 6 comments | Leave a comment

    February 18, 2021

    Auchenorrhyncha of the U.S.-Mexico Border

    Hi all—I've begun a new project for the photographers at the border: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/u-s-mexico-alert-photographers-auchenorrhyncha

    As the global climate warms, more and more organisms are seen travelling northwards every year. Alert photographers near borders are on the front lines in monitoring the northward travel of arthropods as they collect data of new country records and find the frequency of certain species' occurrences. The U.S.-Mexico border is a crucial region for monitoring these changes and the highly diverse insect group Auchenorrhyncha (hoppers) provides a great standard for measuring these changes. The high number of described North American species and the nature of the group to be attracted to standard porch lights makes it easy for any citizen scientist to collect important data that will help detail the affects of climatic changes on insect migration and occurrence. Please consider joining this project if you are a photographer near the border (whether close to the border itself or living in a bordering state)!

    I hope to keep things updated with journal posts to the best of my ability—let me know if you're interested in becoming a manager for the project.

    Posted on February 18, 2021 06:33 PM by nomolosx nomolosx | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    January 2, 2021

    Gyponini of the southwestern U.S. and Texas

    Gyponini is the largest tribe in the leafhopper subfamily Iassinae; endemic to the new world excluding a single species introduced to Europe. These striking hoppers are most diverse in the tropics with hundreds—possibly thousands—of undescribed species. While the nearctic diversity of Gyponini pales in comparison to that of the tropics, the tribe is still quite diverse and sparsely studied from nearctic Mexico to Canada. Likely most well-studied in the eastern United States and Canada—where diversity is perhaps lowest throughout the tribe's total range—new species are still being described.

    I have begun my first project on iNat—Gyponini of the southwestern U.S. and Texas—in an attempt to compile and hopefully increase observational incentive for these interesting creatures. Since the group is in dire need of revision and there are a number of undescribed species in the U.S., it is my hope that this project will be one of many factors aiding in an eventual study of this tribe. I strongly encourage you to seek out these remarkable and mysterious species.

    you can find the project here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/gyponini-of-the-southwestern-u-s-and-texas

    Posted on January 2, 2021 10:36 PM by nomolosx nomolosx | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    November 23, 2020

    species to look for near the U.S.-Mexico border (in the U.S.)

    a regularly-updated and work-in-progress list of hopper species that may show up in the U.S. some of these may have already been confirmed by the time you read this.

    First, a developing list of U.S. finds still unpublished (as far as I am aware): Graphogonalia evagorata, Egidemia cf. inflata, and Barela cf. decorata.

    Draeculacephala clypeata (Osborn, 1926)

    Draeculacephala soluta (Gibson, 1919)
    my identification of this species is currently tentative.

    Paraulacizes thunbergi (Stål, 1864)
    If found in the U.S., this would be the second member of this genus found north of Mexico.

    Oncometopia clarior (Walker, 1851)
    This species can look nearly identical to O. hamiltoni in some forms. This far north, the green form is distinctive.

    Phera sp.
    This sharpshooter resembles members of Homalodisca, but is more slender and has an orange stripe down the vertex.

    Graphocephala aurolineata (Fowler, 1900)
    This species looks very similar to Allogonia concinnula, but has a different pattern on the pronotum and lacks the two dark marks on the scutellum. This is likely a member of the genus Allogonia. In addition to this, Allogonia luculenta is a species confirmed from the southwestern U.S. and it is quite similar, but has a completely orange vertex and pronotum. The species seen near the border does look oddly slender and dark, so it would be important to have a specimen to confirm this tentative ID.

    unknown Cicadellini
    This may be an undescribed species or an odd form of a previously described species. It appears to be a member of the Isogonalia-genus group (which is represented by Amphigonalia in the U.S.—a genus sometimes generally placed in Graphocephala)

    Apogonalia krameri (Young, 1977)

    Apogonalia fraterna (Young, 1977)

    cf. Apogonalia monticola
    Other members of this genus may eventually show up in the U.S. as well, such as the widespread A. stalii.

    Hamana spp.
    These are multiple potential species that are likely to occur on the U.S., some of which may be undescribed.

    There are a number of additional Gyponini that have been seen near the border—these likely represent members of Ponana which may or may not be recorded from the U.S.

    Iassinae and Cicadellinae are currently the only subfamilies represented on this list due to my familiarity with them being enough to develop an assessment of what has not yet been recorded in the U.S. I will be adding more to this list over time.

    Posted on November 23, 2020 08:40 PM by nomolosx nomolosx | 4 comments | Leave a comment