Field guides

iNaturalist guides

Guides are a feature iNaturalist introduced to provide a space for people to bring together the information about particular groups of species to help others to identify them and learn more about them. While the feature is no longer in active development, there are some excellent NZ guides made. Here are some of the excellent NZ guides that have been created.

Macro-Moths of New Zealand's Kauri Kingdom

I.D. Guide to Micro-Moths of NZ's Kauri Kingdom

Butterflies of New Zealand

Bumblebees of New Zealand

Damselflies in New Zealand

New Zealand cicadas

New Zealand Stick Insects (Phasmatodea)

Vespula germanica vs V. vulgaris

Shags and Cormorants of New Zealand

Rat identification in New Zealand

Plants of New Zealand's Subantarctic Islands

Orchids of Northland NZ

A Guide to the Identification of the Wild Mallows of New Zealand

Bracket Fungi NZ

Daldinia in New Zealand

Chlorociboria in New Zealand

Mussels of New Zealand

Paua of New Zealand

Octopus of New Zealand

Sponges Of New Zealand

Turtles and Tortoises of New Zealand

Brown Algae Seaweeds of New Zealand

Tricky Triplefins of NZ

Chitons of New Zealand

Jellyfish of New Zealand

Intertidal Zone - Rockpool Life NZ

New Zealand Sea Urchins Guide

Beach Barnacles Of New Zealand

Lovely Limpets of NZ

Scatology for New Zealand

Birds of Polhill Reserve

Pest animals in New Zealand

Getting Good Photos For Identification

Using NatureWatch in Schools

A couple of video tutorials to cover the main elements of iNaturalist guides

Video tutorial : Introduction to Guides

Video tutorial : Creating a Guide

An iNaturalist field guide to creating iNaturalist field guides

Link to a guide to iNaturalist guides.

Revised on June 17, 2024 04:14 AM by jon_sullivan jon_sullivan