Are yellow seahorses always seen on yellow sponges?
Andrew Trevor-Jones is a Sydney resident who has been diving for over 38 years. He's dived at ‘The Monument’ at Kurnell more than 100 times, so often in fact, that he now recognises individual seahorses.
On 14 January 2017 Andrew saw a yellow seahorse on a yellow sponge. One would naturally think that this is all about camouflage. Two weeks later however (30 January) the same fish was holding onto a green sponge Andrew has also seen the fish on a brown sponge. He stated that “Yesterday, (1 Feb), she was back on the yellow sponge, so I think that is her preference.”
Thank you Andrew for your ongoing contribution to Australasian Fishes. Long-term observations of individual fishes by divers can really help contribute to knowledge of our fish fauna.
In closing this small post, I thought that some of you might have wondered if fishes can change colour. If so, this post on the Australian Museum website might be of interest.