Australasian Fishes's Journal

Journal archives for April 2023

April 6, 2023

We've raced past two milestones

We were really excited when the number of observations in the Australasian Fishes Project recently passed 200,000. Little could we imagine when the project began in 2016 that 7 years later, we would crack this milestone. As you can see from the graph below the number of observations continues to climb.
Equally exciting was seeing the number of contributors reach 7000 (it's now 7104). The graph below shows the steady increase in the number of contributors to the project.
Thank you everyone for your ongoing contribution toward making the Australasian Fishes Project an incredible database of ichthyological information for Australia and New Zealand.
I'm looking forward to seeing the project pass a quarter of a million observations. In the Comments section below, feel free to predict the date when you think we will pass this huge milestone. I've added mine.
Posted on April 6, 2023 12:53 AM by markmcg markmcg | 8 comments | Leave a comment

April 30, 2023

Threespot Humbug out of range

According to the , Australian Faunal Directory, the Threespot Humbug, Dascyllus trimaculatus, is recorded as far south as Wollongong (34°26'S) on the east coast of Australia. On 17th May 2016, Naomi Springett observed a Threespot Humbug in Jervis Bay, approximately 80km south of this.
Naomi stated, "The first time I spotted D. trimaculatus I was excited as it was a species I’d never seen, although on first sight I thought it was a clownfish! I’d just spent my first summer and autumn regularly diving Jervis Bay and paying attention to tropical visitors like lionfish and butterflyfish, so a clownfish didn’t seem so far-fetched. After finding out that it was D. trimaculatus I have taken photos whenever else I’ve seen them for my own reference or when spotted during fish surveys. Getting a good photo is hard as they tend to be shy and most were darting in and out of urchin spines, which is why many of my observations are quite blurry."
Since making this observation, Naomi returned to Jervis Bay for a weekend (31 March to 1 April 2023) to do fish surveys with Reef Life Survey. During this time, she photographed more Threespot Humbugs at Bowen Island and Green Point.
It is interesting to note, though perhaps not surprising, that in tropical waters the species is usually associated with corals and anemones, whereas the fish in Naomi's observations take shelter between the spines of sea urchins.
It will be fascinating to know if these small tropical fish manage to survive the cooler water temperatures of winter. All you intrepid Jervis Bay divers please keep an eye open for them.
Posted on April 30, 2023 08:03 AM by markmcg markmcg | 5 comments | Leave a comment